On October 31, 2023, N Space Tech successfully launched the LakshyaSat-3 payload using a 1U CubeSat form factor into the stratosphere. The High Altitude Balloon Launch was facilitated by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Hyderabad, and the payload reached an altitude of 32 km. The main goal of this mission was to test the payload sub-system in preparation for its upcoming lower earth orbital launch and to conduct studies on various parameters of the stratosphere.
The LakshyaSat-3 payload comprises various subsystems including Datalogging, Computing, Payload, Power, and Chassis. The main payload is a camera, while the chassis is made from aerospace-grade Aluminium 6061 material. The payload can measure multiple parameters such as Ambient Light Intensity, UV Light, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Altitude, CO2 levels, TVOC Levels, GPS coordinates, and Battery Monitoring System.
Launched on 31 Oct 2023 in patnership with TIFR
Images Captured by our payload
Payload Integration